Friday, January 05, 2007
Hey, my MP4 512mb player has arrived! Yeah!. I order it yesterday. It cost $40, i use my first salary.So happy to buy anything with my own money. And the first thing i do is upgrade its firmware. I thought the upgrade via the internet, but no, i must download the firmware file then upgrade it (or maybe flash it) via usb cable.
For the very first time, i don't know where to find it. Maybe i should start with the company site, my MP4 brand is Digimax series D-77. Guess what? I can't find the company site, when i search digimax via google, all links related to samsung digimax camera. Huff...
Then i search for MP4 player firmware. Now, that's a good result. So i click the link, it's firmware collection for almost MP4 made in China. The other one is it's a good site too. Furthermore, i realize that my firmware is the latest version. Huff...
So guys, if you have mp3 or mp4 player that made in china. There's 90% that you have S1 MP3. Your MP4 is called that too. so if you need to update the firmware, do anything something with your player, visit their site...
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